Thursday, 15 March 2012

Go ahead and laugh!

A long time ago, when I was a young lass of about 15,  one of my dearest friends and I decided to take a trip to downtown Toronto to check out Kensington Market.  I had heard of this "market" on a few occasions and was eager to experience it as it was known to be a place where people had fun shopping for unique clothes and jewelery and got great deals to boot! 

When we arrived downtown and were kindly directed to Kensington Market by some of the locals we met on the street, I kept thinking that we had somehow managed to walk past the "market" because I couldn't see any large tents or outdoor vendors.  I questioned whether we had followed the directions properly.

As it turns out we HAD followed the directions but I had been quite mistaken about Kensington Market.

 Kensington Market is the name of a particular multicultural neighbourhood in downtown Toronto in which there are shops that represent the various ethnic backgrounds of the residents in that district. 

It is NOTONE BIG TENT WITH MANY VENDORS as I had imagined it.

Needless to say, I learned something new that day.....

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