Friday, 11 March 2011

Do you know the Truth?

Every human has the desire to know where they've come from, why they are here on Earth, and where they are going after this life. Finding purpose in life is a struggle that most inhabitants of the earth have in common.  

Have you ever considered WHY?

It is a life-altering question to ask. This is a subject that I have spent a lot of time thinking about. One question I have is, if we (the human race) are a result of a 'big bang' or chance collision of molecules, where has our spiritual component come from? Why is there a belief, that is found the world over, that there is a Greater Being? Why do we seek spiritual fulfillment from religious institutions? How does the evolutionary theory account for morality, the concept of right and wrong - good versus evil?

The public school system insidiously incorporates details of evolution into the curriculum stating it as fact. Fact it is NOT. This sneaky mode of influence ensures that children are indoctrinated from an early age, preparing them for further "education" without giving them the facts and allowing them to evaluate for themselves the origin and purpose of life. I believe it is important for each person to choose for themselves what to believe and to know WHY they believe what they do.

What is YOUR worldview? Have you read, searched, and evaluated for yourself?

A book that I have read on this subject is Searching for Truth by Joe Boot.
I highly recommend it. If you have read it, please leave a comment, opinion, or review of the book. If you have any kind of response to this post, or something to add to the subject, please share it!


  1. Sorry. But it's closer to fact than anything else.
    And what about religion and the religious using the same if not MORE sneaky mode of influence to indoctrinate children before they're even old enough to understand what's going on? At least science has, you know.. science behind it. It's not perfect, but it's slightly more dependable than gut feelings and "it's the truth because it's what my parents taught ME".
    How open minded and learned can a child be having only encountered one view since birth?

    Science has even discovered a spiritual center in the brain. Spirituality helps bring people together and helps moderate our baser selfish survival instincts. It leads to a more resilient population capable of making it though hardships one could not survive alone.
    Those survivors then pass on the traits that caused them to survive. The ones that didn't survive, don't. What do you know, looks like spirituality evolved too.

  2. Dear Anonymous,
    As somebody who has grown up in a Christian home and have been taught the things of the Bible since birth I feel the need to respond to you. You bring up some pretty good points. But, you make the assumption that "religous" parents do not allow their children to think for themselves. My parents taught me about Jesus, and the Bible but never forced the issue. They knew that if I was going to have a genuine conversion and put my faith in Jesus Christ, that I would need to search out the matters for myself. All this searching didn't start for me until I was in my twenties. I always accepted the faith of my parents, but then the questions started. Questions like the one you present in your comment. "Do I only believe this because of what my parents taught me?" or "How can I be sure that my faith is right and all other belief systems are wrong?" and many, many other questions. Honestly, I haven't found the answers to most of my questions. To the first question though, I found the answer. I believe in Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord, because of Jesus Christ. There is no doubt in my mind that He is the single most important figure in all history of mankind. Jesus Christ has calmed the anxiety that I felt over all these questions, and He has done for me what no other man can do. He saved me from the guilt, and shame that I felt over my sins, and brought peace into my life again. You don't have to believe always has been and always will be your choice. Just please don't make assumptions about ALL religous people.

    P.S. Isn't it interesting that science has found a spiritual center in the brain? It's almost as if someone has put it there for a reason.
    "He has made everything appropriate in its time He has also set eternity in their heart, yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end." Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NAS)

  3. Interesting post Autumn Rose, you cover a lot of really interesting topics. I feel purpose can be defined into a few different ways. The obvious one may have to deal with a career or hobby. Purpose also could relate to ones spiritual essence. For example, ones purpose could be to always act from a place of love, balance, or peace. It is a good way for one to feel fulfilled with out having to work or have material possessions.

    I also believe that the truth is always in us and one has to be open to it. I will check out Joe Boot, that book sounds intriguing.

    Lets further this conversation in person :)

  4. I'll bring the chocolate! : )

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Dear Anonymous #1 You may be interested in reading the following article:

    Children who have received a public education in Canada have been taught/exposed to the evolutionary or Darwinian worldview from a very young age. Recent developments in science have revealed very large problems with Darwin's THEORY of evolution, this THEORY that has been taught as scientific fact.
