Some think it doesn't but it does... How do I know? Because I ask questions!
Within the past month I had both an echocardiogram (a test that takes pictures of your heart using sound waves) and an ultrasound of my entire abdomen. Thankfully no abnormalities to report! : )
The Echocardiogram
I lay shirtless....well.... not fully topless.... I WAS given a 'gown' to wear which gives one the perception of being clothed until you're told to open the front of it and goosebumps cover your chest like flies to a cow pie. The room was darkened, almost romantically so, with only the light of the computer monitor with which to properly see the face of the stranger who was giving me instructions on lying on my left side with left arm raised. As I followed instructions, listening to the hum and beeping of the computer, I began to think of all of the individuals who had laid on that same bed before me, fully exposed...and that is how this conversation began:
Me: "Does it make a difference for you whether a patient is large-breasted or small-breasted?"
Technician: "Yes, if a woman is very large-breasted sometimes you really have to dig under there to see the heart. It can also be difficult to get a good image of the heart if a person is obese."
The Ultrasound
In preparation for the ultrasound, I had to fast. I was allowed to have juice but only in small sips to prevent gas build-up. During the ultrasound (which felt like a belly massage) I found out that it is easier for the technician to see your organs if you are 'skinny' and do NOT have gas. you can see...SiZe DOES matter!
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