Friday, 19 October 2012

The Toilet Paper Monster's Dilemma Pt. 2

There's an unspoken rule, that  some call etiquette, regarding alcohol and parties.  If  you plan to drink alcohol, you should bring some with you.  The only exception to this rule that I can think of is a wedding.  

Come to think of it,  some party invitations do state explicitly "B.Y.O.B"  (bring your own balaclava......brisket.....BEER).

I probably shouldn't have shared that I am a toilet paper monster.  I fear that the next time I'm invited to a party the invitation will read:  B.Y.O.T.P.!!!

I wonder if a few rolls of toilet paper would fit into a wine gift bag..........

Monday, 15 October 2012

The Autumn Rose

I REALLY like roses...especially the Autumn rose as it is no ordinary rose.  It is beautifully decorated with at least two tones of colour (one of the tones being darker than the rose's original colour). Even a rose that is monochromatic during the summer will have some variation of colour in the Autumn.

I haven't yet researched the scientific explanation but I like to think that the change in colour is in part due to the fact that the roses have been kissed by the cool Autumn air:

Monday, 8 October 2012

The Toilet Paper Monster's Dilemma

I suppose it's all of the cloth diaper talk over at THE MRS that has gotten me thinking (more than usual) about water-closet use.

The Dilemma:

I've been told that I use too much toilet paper.   The truth is, I'm a toilet paper monster.  Just like the cookie monster, but different because I don't actually EAT toilet paper.

Who can determine how much toilet paper another person  needs??  Is there some kind of equation to figure this out?    
Let me see.... 

3 squares for #2 + 2 squares for #1 = 5 squares ?

If I use "too much" toilet paper, does that mean that others walk about with only semi-clean private parts? Eeewww.    

In my Defense:

1)  It's UNDENIABLE that females need to use more toilet paper than males......

2)  Call me a princess, but I like to sit on a clean toilet seat.  If it is not clean, I will wipe it and then line it if it's a public toilet.

3)  I prefer my post-toilet-use hand-washing to be for good measure, not because my hands are actually contaminated.  You're welcome, friends and new acquaintances!


Maybe I should join the Swiss army to learn how to use less TP.  I've been told that's the place to learn how to have a 2 minute shower so I figure they must also teach efficiency in wiping and toilet paper conservation.

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Saturday, 4 August 2012

To Appease The Mrs.

Sandi, the talented mother and literary genius over at The Mrs., is offering giveaways this week.  One of the ways to earn an entry in the draws is to compose a picture that will amuse Sandi and post a link to it on her blog's facebook page.

I chose not to do it.  

Knowing that my drawing would never in a million years turn out the way I picture it in my head, I decided to leave the artistic productions up to people like the ridiculously gifted Lindsay Henry of Inklings Paperie........

 ........that is....... until Sandi's shameless begging convinced me to attempt to humour her.....

 That is all.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

one MOTHER of a housefly??

When shown the specimen in the photo below, my first reaction was, " What is THAT?!?!  It looks like  one MOTHER of a housefly!!!"

I was interested to know what this curiously large insect was and began to wonder if it could, by any chance, be a cicada.  I had only ever HEARD cicadas on a warm summer's day but had never SEEN one.  So,  I did what any 'connected' city-dwelling girl would do......I started to search online for the answer.. 

I would conclude that this IS a cicada.........if I'm wrong, please let me know!

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

A Tragic Ending

Over the past few weeks I have had the privilege of observing bird activity...the type that leaves you in awe of creation while asking the question, "How?" as in,  "How do the birds know how and where to make nests when they are not taught?

A robin decided to build her nest here:  (between the wall and a downspout right under the roof).

Did you know that robins only lay ONE egg per day? 
This particular robin laid three eggs in total and had been diligently caring for the eggs, making sure that they were kept warm enough. 

I was keeping an eye on the nest eagerly awaiting the first signs of fledglings when one evening the mother robin was found frantically chirping up a storm. She was obviously distressed because of this:

It was a sad discovery.
The suspect: A raccoon. 

Hopefully the robin will be able to produce another brood before the Autumn (they can produce up to three broods per year).

Here's a handy-dandy link for more info on robins.

Friday, 18 May 2012

White to Brown and I'm not Talking Poo

Without taking a poll, I can confidently say that I am not the only person on Earth who has wondered about this know, the one that keeps hair dye manufacturers in business?

Can a white hair be restored to its original colour?  YES!  Know how I know?  Because of THIS:

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

The Musical That is My Life

Stuff happens.  That is a fact of life.  When said stuff with a capital "S" happens, it ignites the playing of song lyrics in my brain; the polished stage of the musical that is my life.  (Yes, there's a semi-colon in that sentence and I'm not confident that I've used it properly.)

Today's performance line-up thus far:  

The chorus of  U2's With or Without You
Reasons Why by Nickel Creek
God Only Knows by The Beach Boys.....
Ice Cream by Sarah McLachlan

(It's still early in the day... )

Just thought I'd take this opportunity to thank my dear friends (I don' t know if I do this enough)  for your love, hopefulness, support, wisdom, and intercessory prayers.  God only knows where I'd be without you!  

Monday, 2 April 2012

This Existence

Complicated this existence, 
cutting down pride's crude persistence.

Dignity begs meekly for attention, 
giving up arms with apprehension.

The nightmare gloats as it exposes, 
death stealthily lurks and then proposes.

Fear overtakes the well-groomed hedges, 
into the heart its poison wedges.

Watching but not participating, 
standing by, salivating.

The juice of envy is ignored,
wanting just to be restored.

Desire underestimated,
 skills unused, antiquated.

Passion-filled words not yet stated......

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Go ahead and laugh!

A long time ago, when I was a young lass of about 15,  one of my dearest friends and I decided to take a trip to downtown Toronto to check out Kensington Market.  I had heard of this "market" on a few occasions and was eager to experience it as it was known to be a place where people had fun shopping for unique clothes and jewelery and got great deals to boot! 

When we arrived downtown and were kindly directed to Kensington Market by some of the locals we met on the street, I kept thinking that we had somehow managed to walk past the "market" because I couldn't see any large tents or outdoor vendors.  I questioned whether we had followed the directions properly.

As it turns out we HAD followed the directions but I had been quite mistaken about Kensington Market.

 Kensington Market is the name of a particular multicultural neighbourhood in downtown Toronto in which there are shops that represent the various ethnic backgrounds of the residents in that district. 

It is NOTONE BIG TENT WITH MANY VENDORS as I had imagined it.

Needless to say, I learned something new that day.....

Monday, 13 February 2012

February a birthday for some, Valentine's Day for others.

You’d have to be living on Mars (some say it may be able to sustain life so if you want to avoid Valentine’s Day altogether, check it out!) to not know it’s Valentine’s Day.  Every talk show and newscast on television has made some kind of reference to it in the past 2 weeks….not to mention Valentine’s Day specials on popular t.v. series....and then there's the obvious displays in stores....

What are you doing in celebration of or in rebellion against Valentine’s Day/Commercialism? Have an anti-Valentine's Day party?

Are you going to spread some love? Use the occasion to bestow a random act of kindness on someone?

If you’re going to demonstrate your love for someone, what shape will it be in…do you know what that person’s love language is?  What is your Love Language?

According to author and counselor Gary Chapman, PH.D., everyone speaks/understands one ..sometimes two love languages:

1) Words of Affirmation
2) Quality Time
3) Receiving Gifts
4) Acts of Service
5) Physical Touch

I know that over at The Mrs . SOMEONE will be thinking that Gary forgot one…..the Love Language of Food…I guess THAT ONE can be lumped in with Receiving Gifts and Acts of Service. ….

If you are a male, you may be thinking “My love language is definitely Physical Touch”. You could be right or very wrong about this......

You can find out more in Gary Chapman’s The Five Love Languages ; How to express Heartfelt Commitment to your Mate. It’s an easy read and contains some information that could have a significant and rejuvenating impact on your relationship.
Have you been the recipient of a kind or romantic gesture today?
Have you stepped out of your comfort zone to show someone that you care about them?
Please, do share! : )