I've been asked how the spinach seeds are coming along. Well, as it turns out, it's not just the weather conditions, insects, or possible blight that one has to contend with when growing vegetables. Gardens and pots are also vulnerable to the daily threat of rats with bushy tails. Apparently a pot of soil is to a squirrel what a sandbox is to a child.
In the case of my spinach pots, the local squirrels have no respect. Do I expect more from them? No. But really, they have access to several gardens and yet they choose the pots...
Even though squirrels are not nearly as prolific as rabbits, there is no apparent shortage of them. A female squirrel gives birth to 3-4 babies in the early Spring and usually again in the Fall which isn't a lot compared to a rabbit having several litters per year of approximately 2-10 young in each.
So far there is only one spinach sprout in one of the three pots. Would you be surprised if I told you that it's the only pot of the three that does not exhibit signs of having been 'played' in? And there the lonely spinach sprout grows.....
Good thing it's early enough in the season that I can sow some more seeds. This gardener WILL succeed! : )
Yes, this is a barbecued squirrel. Photo credit: Luke Sidey
In case you were wondering, it IS true what they say about youtube. You can find anything there. The bbq squirrel photo piqued my curiosity which led me to search a video on youtube on how to skin a squirrel. Don't do it if you are squeamish!
lol... post the sign! I dare you.